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  • Parental Coaching-Gender Confused Child

    I am confident that I can provide you with the essential guidance and assistance at this tough time, just as I have done for many parents throughout the world. Dealing with the complexities of the media and the medical field in this situation can be difficult. My goal is to help you identify between real and incorrect information and to present you with all of the necessary knowledge to make educated decisions. What I can provide parents is an understanding of what leads people to believe they were born in the wrong body, as well as instruction on how to gently challenge this belief. As a mother myself, having given birth and carried life, I am in a unique position to assist parents, and I have. Consider me to have insider information about what you don't grasp. I do, and I can advise you on what you're up against as well as where you may get help! This is a major epidemic, and I believe it is the most significant medical scandal in recent history. You must take control of this. Consider yourself blind, and I'll help you restore your sight. It is critical to recognize that the medical transition is an experimental technique with inherent risks. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that treatment will provide a cure and, in certain cases, it may worsen mental health outcomes. These are verifiable facts that you can rely on, and I am confident in my ability to supply you with the necessary resources to validate their authenticity. If you require additional assistance or wish to discuss your concerns further, I recommend that you schedule a meeting with me as soon as possible. We can manage this trip together and guide you to the best possible outcomes for your child. I appreciate your consideration of my aid and eagerly await the opportunity to assist during this process. Scott Newgent, a transman regretter, offers help to parents and individuals who regret gender transitions.

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Blog Posts (258)

  • Debate Needs to Start....I'll go first...UK Johnny Vedmore - Good Until JK Rowlings - Gloves Come Off!

    LGBT FREAKS Target Children: Evil Doctors Make BIG MONEY On Genital Mutilation Surgeries (With a sneer of disgust, I demand an answer. How many gay men, lesbians, or transgender people would willingly throw themselves into this grotesque display? Would they eagerly leap at the chance to be paraded as some kind of spectacle for your entertainment? The thought alone turns my stomach.) Most individuals who identify are LGBTQ+ would never agree to be a part of such a show, right? Absolutely, and here lies the issue. In recent years, social media has given rise to influencers who have discovered an easy way to make large sums of money. The formula is simple: pick a subculture or identity group- evangelical, conservative, liberal, LGBTQ+, transgender, feminist- and follow their beliefs without question. If you don't agree, keep quiet. Then sprinkle in some money, perfect timing, and a charismatic personality, and there you have it! Instant fame and fortune. The problem with this business model is that it only works if you portray yourself as God-like and talk down to other subcultures. Tell your followers they should fear for the state of the world and promise them that you can fix it all. Use catchy slogans like "Love is my religion" or "The right" Blame everything on those who hold opposing views. Wash, rinse, repeat. Debate is starting....In The UK....Great and then the gloves come off when JK Rowlings is brought into the debate What you won't see are genuine conversations between people with differing views or from different subcultures. That's because this business model relies on maintaining a god-like status for success. If two individuals were to engage in real debate without an editor or control, their god-like image would be at risk. And let's face it- no one ever wins a debate 100%. But losing even a small part of that god-like image is not worth engaging in authentic conversation, so instead we resort to cancel culture. This despicable business model has only fueled the flames of cancel culture and enabled social media platforms to ruthlessly censor whatever they see fit. But let's not forget, these corporations are driven by profit above all else. They don't care about informing the public; their only concern is ensuring continuous financial growth every quarter. And what better way to do so than by controlling the flow of information on social media sites? It's a terrifying. Advertisers. The insidious advertisers are the puppet masters of this new social media business model, pulling the strings and manipulating the masses to their will. They exploit legal loopholes for maximum profit and long-term fiscal return, while hiding behind vague concepts like 'love' and 'tolerance' to appease the LGBTQ community, liberal organizations, and human rights activists. But beneath their facade of progressiveness, they are elevating a twisted version of human existence, one fueled by greed and control. Human Medical Transition. The vicious cycle of reality regarding medical transition, fueled by the insatiable pursuit of profit. Synthetic hormones and risky surgeries promise to unlock a potential for revenue, but at what cost? Children are the prime targets, their vulnerable bodies and minds manipulated into conformity under the guise of love. But it's not just any children - it's the misfits, the outcasts, the ones deemed as "unimportant" by society. Their struggles with identity and puberty are dismissed as insignificant compared to the prized jocks and beauty queens. Who cares about these "different" kids anyway? As long as there is money to be made, their suffering will be overlooked and exploited. Just five years ago, only 100,000 children in the US identified as transgender and believed they needed to medically transition. Today, that number has drastically increased to an estimated 2.1 million according to the Williams Institute. To delay the unwanted effects of puberty, such as biological hormone production, many of these children are prescribed puberty blockers for an average of three years before beginning medical transition. This results in a cost of $37,500 per year for three years multiplied by 2.1 million children. Add 1.3 million to that figure for each child who begins medical transition at the age of 15, lives until they are 82, and continuously uses synthetic hormones for the rest of their life, regardless of whether they ultimately decide to detransition or not. This creates a steady stream of income for pharmaceutical companies with no possibility of chargebacks. This is the elusive "Holy Grail" that every CEO desires, yet 99% will never come across a product that embodies the 'Golden Ticket.' 12 Leading Complications-Medical Transing Kids-USA Estimate of Money Generated- New Trillion Dollar Industry? - Here are the numbers. You Tell Me. Link - Facts Smacks Right? With the addition of surgeries and potential complications, this industry could easily generate trillions of dollars in a mere handful of years. And what's even more enticing is that it provides a perfect opportunity for those in power to maintain control over the market. It's like a gift from the gods of finance, allowing them to acquire social media platforms, movie studios, celebrity endorsements, news stations, and even those pesky social media influencers who people falsely believe care about their followers. In reality, they are simply chasing profits like everyone else. I have been in activism to STOP Transing Kids for five years and I am not lacking in intelligence. I understand how to capitalize on my identity as a trans man through social media, creating a wave of success that could have labeled me as the face of feminism or an evangelical 'Born Again' symbol instead of being recognized only for my lesbian and transgender identity. With that said, I would be set for life. The problem is that I am a mom first and I have carried life, given birth, I almost dies from medical transition, and I studied it to save my own life and I know this: Medical transition is experimental, doesn’t cure anything, causes massive health issues, and makes mental health worse. These are facts, facts, not unicorn farts, go to my site where you will find the large, accumulated studies, facts, articles as well as explanations from transgender people like me. See for yourself. (Decreased life expectancy, Premature death from heart attacks, Premature death from pulmonary embolisms, Bone damage, Possible liver damage, increased mental-health complications, increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms, Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population, 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis, Brain development stunted during hormone blockers. Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure, probably does not even improve mental health outcomes.) Link: Unchartered Territory; Risks of Medical Transition in Adolescents I make a point to sit down with people such as Stew, and anyone else who is willing, because we are essentially destroying the lives of innocent children and yet no one seems to be listening or wanting to have a conversation about it. But I do, and it begs the question: why? Memoir - Self Published Coming August 2024 22 states have passed bills to ban childhood medical transition, following the trail I helped pave in South Dakota. Yet, despite our efforts, 21 of those bills remain blocked by the relentless force of organizations like ACLU. But make no mistake, the wheels of this sinister machine are still turning at an alarming rate, with the medical transition industry gaining more and more momentum every month. The factory is open for business, and there seems to be no stopping it now Diving into these verbal battles guarantees my exile from any subtribe's support or sponsorship. My name is, not will be, is blacklisted from panel seating and lucrative speaking gigs, leaving me penniless and desperate. And let me make it clear, this isn't about sides - it's a cutthroat business, honey. Every decision I make seals the fate of my business sales career. With each lost job and revoked offer, I feel my former life slipping further and further away. My own children watch as I sacrifice everything for this path I have chosen. But I am resolute, driven by a hunger that blinds me to the incompetence and stupidity that surrounds me. This is my path, and I will continue down it, regardless of consequences or casualties left in my wake. Why? Somebody has to make a sacrifice. It's hard not to think about the fact that we are hurting innocent children. It weighs heavily on my mind, this constant reminder that we are inflicting pain and suffering upon the youth. - Scott Newgent A conversation I hope to have more of in the future, this is how we heal our society. THE STEW PETERS SHOW I Will Call You 'Kellie' Because That's How God Sees You? I worked in sales the majority of my adult life. Killed it in sales. Ever seen that hilarious Jeremy Piven movie The Goods in 2009 back when comedy was still legal? He’s a legendary car salesman closer. Well, that was me. He was Don “The Goods” Ready. I was Kellie “The Closer” King. I’ve got sales in my blood. My Grandfather Scott King was a building contractor who opened the King’s Auto court motel in San Diego to coincide with the 1935 World’s Fair. In 1939 that became the Travelodge empire–a brilliant franchising scheme to rival the McDonald’s story of The Founder. My granddad used to pal around with Ray Kroc. He saw the brand-new middle-class market segment coming before anyone knew what hit them. The little bear that used to grace the logo. Modeled after my dad. Link King Family I was also born in 1972. People talk about struggles now. Try being an ultra-successful alpha lesbian in the sales field in the 2000s and then tell me again about your adversity because someone didn’t respect your made-up “they/them” pronouns. I once got investigated for three months–all because I was beating every sales record there was amongst my peers, and we couldn’t let this bitch dyke do that, could we? See what I did there? I used a couple of slurs that, honestly, are my right to use as I’ve heard them for a lifetime against me. I saw the “dyke” word again recently after an appearance on the Stew Peters Show. Stew welcomed me on two days after Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman? exploded across the Twitterverse with 150 million views in 48 hours. Maybe “welcomed” isn’t the right word. It was pretty clear from the get-go that Stew’s self-righteousness blinds him to any conception that there isn’t any truth beyond his own–and that’s perfectly fine. It has nothing to do with me. It doesn’t even faze me anymore. And honestly, I will talk to the evangelicals all day long while they tell me about Jesus through their glares if it helps one baby lesbian somewhere know that they are perfect exactly as they are and that any attempt to sell them authentic happiness in the form of lifetime medicalization, endless surgeries and life-shortening hormones…maybe doesn’t have their best interest at heart? I get sales techniques. I know them intimately. As Mr. Stew hammered me with words about how I had “failed” and was “ruined” I thought about the Neuro-Linguistic Programming principles that he and so many newbie salespeople and pick-up artists use to try to arouse or elicit some kind of a reaction. It’s adorable, really. Reminds me of when I used to give a shit about such things. As he suggested to me that it was never too late to consider Jesus, I couldn’t help thinking about how many people miss out on these giant audiences because they’re so afraid of cancel culture cooties. You know the ones. Instead of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon it’s Six Degrees of Tucker Carlson. Help Me Keep Using My Voice - Donate Today Activists against the marketing of transgenderism to children would no doubt hijack the Times Square teleprompter if they got the chance, even if it meant an evangelical was watching…wouldn’t they? I sure would. On the Chiron thumbnail with Stew it blared “LGBT FREAKS TARGET OUR CHILDREN!” If you watch it, it’s cute when he tries to get me condemn not only Blaire White but Ted Cruz because they aren’t as far right as him. I said I want to put the surgeons who are targeting our kids in prison. Well, he wants them executed. Checkmate, Stew. There was for sure a time when all of this would have gotten to me. Or the people who write to me telling me that appearing on the show is unrecoverable. Request a Regretter Speaker Today! When the words of the people who tell me that I’m a traitor in every identity targeted segment one can be a traitor would have landed. That was during the time I lost myself. And it all began with that first lie that I accepted as truth–eight long years before Stew was telling me that Jesus was there and ready to listen, when I put my own identity up for debate. I don’t do that anymore. Even if Stew had the courage to call me an LGBT freak directly, it wouldn’t have mattered. Because I know who I am. I didn’t realize how absolutely crucial that is to a person’s entire sense of sanity. Who you are…is who you are. After spending nearly $1 million and having a stress induced heart attack and having to wear a “fragile” bracelet because I am that near death, I’m no longer worried about pleasing anyone. “We will call you Kellie King,” Stew bellows to me, “because that is as God intended.” I grin. I’m glad it is making him so happy. I could care as little about someone accurately sexing me as I do about them referring to me by my birth name. I don’t know if it’s “as God made me” (the way he says it drips off the tongue like a slur somehow, and I actually love being called Kellie) but it’s the truth, and I’m never offended by that anymore. I’m not one for religion, but I do believe in God. I do know one thing that saves–and that’s reality. Telling the truth. That’s what Stew and I have in common. We are allies. He is an ally to me in supporting the truth of telling the truth. You have to choose your battles. And to me the battle for reality is that crucial of a battle. He asks me to name and shame, name and shame. He is about the quick hit. I am a circus clown. He uses the word “clown.” His inflection is a dare. Will I react? I think Jesus would find him as entertaining as I do, how determined he is to out-Matt-Walsh Matt Walsh, how desperate he is to try to terrify me. I almost want to give him the tears he’s searching for out of pity, to help him meet his goal of a viral clip because I want to extend him that kindness. Be kind, right? Because I know he really, really thinks this performance matters and it will really, really make him happy. None of those matters. None of his politics matter. None of the politics matter of the people who decry him as “literal genocide” matter. Protecting children from the predation of multinational corporations who see them as cash cow’s matter. That’s it. One goal. I’m a one-trick pony now. “Who is the name of the doctor?” He puts my surgeon on the screen. I’m thrilled to see the guy blasted, having run from California with multiple lawsuits against him and his tail between his legs using Texas’s tort reform to continue his malpractice…on me. “Who was the name of your therapist?” I think back to the trans woman therapist that I first saw. I don’t even remember her name. I have no problem using trans pronouns, but I also 100 percent understand the reasoning why people do not. That therapist called me Kellie, too. I was Kellie. I was Kellie King. Successful, beautiful, a knockout. And then the magical thinking brain worm was first planted inside my head. Like an illusionist in Vegas, that first transwoman therapist I saw in 2016 told me that I had been presenting like a man my whole life. I felt…mortified. Shame I hadn’t felt since I was a kid. Could everyone see this? Why hadn’t anyone told me? This was a therapist. A medical professional. I’ve always respected medical professionals. Don’t you? At that point in time, I was no cynic. Like so many others I was celebrating Caitlyn Jenner living her authentic truth. Finally, all the hatred against gays was melting away. Look at the love bombs coming the way of transgenders! Look at how amazing it was! I had never heard the term “astroturfing” in my life then. I probably hadn’t even heard the term “gaslight.” I certainly wasn’t familiar with the medical industry’s long history of corruption and capturing scandals from thalidomide to lobotomies to the oxycontin scandal that was at that time ramping up into high gear with the kind of completely guardrails-off marketing that would have made my granddad’s jaw drop. Lost in all of this are kids, who I relate to deeply, not just because I am a mother but because I was the kind of kid that I see preyed upon today. I said it before, and I’ll say it as many times as I have to: I couldn’t resist this shit at 42. You think a little kid who believes in Santa Claus understands Judith Butler and Foucault when you are tell him that gender is a construct and if he likes playing with nail polish, he needs to get his dick cut off? One thing I love about Matt Walsh is that he reminds me of the world that I grew up in, where you knew who you were dealing with. A black person once told me that they preferred the racism of the South because at least it was more honest. This is how I feel around evangelicals sometimes. I know the terror that the deeply religious feel about their dogma and faith, and it has absolutely nothing to do with me. They are doing their best within the context of their upbringing. And they know that sex and sex-change surgery…is for adults. The fact that this is controversial is terrifying. By Trans Regretter Scott Newgent Donate TransRegretters - We Never Charge to Speak Out to Save Children!

  • Groundbreaking Transman Spirit Who Took on Gender Ideology and Wrote a Sensational Best Seller - An Inspiring Journey Will Blow Your Mind! August 2024

    Bookmark - August 2024. by Transman Regretter Scott Newgent The date is etched into my memory like a brand, marking the day I will unleash my memoir onto the world. Today, I write to you with a soul on fire, fueled by an unwavering determination that knows no bounds. My words will ignite a spark in others, showing them what can be achieved with a pure and relentless heart. This is not just a statement; it is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance. I am single-handedly writing and self-publishing my memoir. No ghost writers, no support, just me pouring my heart onto the page. But even as I write, I am reminded of my dire circumstances - I am truly at rock bottom, struggling to make this a reality despite all the odds stacked against me. My interview in 'What is a woman?' tore open the wounds of my soul and laid them bare for all to see. But now, with a fierce determination, I am ready to unleash an unbridled torrent of vulnerability, fueled by a love so pure it borders on insanity. I have poured out my heart to save other people's children, but now I must fight tooth and nail for my own. I can feel us drowning in the weight of my sacrifices without any acknowledgement or support from those I've given everything for. The fire within me burns hotter than ever before as I refuse to stand by and watch my children suffer. Brace yourself, because you haven't seen anything yet – now, I am seething with rage as I watch my children’s suffering. I have been consumed by the inner workings of activism, and in doing so, I have uncovered the dark underbelly of our society. A world where social media fame is the ultimate currency, and organizations like 'Turning Point' are factories that churn out manufactured stars and activists for profit. It is a sickening business model that has led us to this depraved state. And I will not be silenced, for I will always speak with brutal honesty and unwavering conviction. At first, I thought I was doing the right thing by refusing to sell out or conform to society's expectations. as the bills pile up and the pain from constant rejection weighed on me, I questioned my decisions. "Maybe if I just played along and joined a subtribe, I could be living in luxury instead of struggling to make ends meet." But then again, would I even recognize myself? Would I still have a sense of purpose and integrity? These thoughts swirled around in my mind as I tried to make sense of it all. Was sacrificing everything for my beliefs a noble act or a foolish mistake? The line between triumph and despair blurred before me, leaving me feeling conflicted and lost. You see I thought standing up for my beliefs would bring a sense of liberation and pride, my ticket to reenter society as an anonymous hero. But instead, it has only brought relentless pain and crushing rejection. The interview I gave for the documentary was meant to be a triumphant moment, but it only solidified my descent into darkness. As I sat in agony, contemplating yet another job lost due to my activism, I wondered if any of this was worth it. Was sacrificing my career and financial stability for this cause truly worth it? Maybe if I had just bent and obeyed the oppressive rules, I could have achieved greatness and success. But at what cost? Selling out my principles and becoming a mindless follower? No, that was never an option for me. But now, as I watched others soar while I'm left behind, doubts creeped in and I question every decision I made. Was it all for naught? Or am I simply not strong enough to continue fighting for what I believe in? The answer came to be quickly removing all doubt, I am not only strong enough, but my soul can also light other souls on fire to save these kids. What a tremendous gift lifted through the ashes. As a phoenix I will rise! My once-promising career is now nothing but a distant dream, shattered into millions of sharp fragments that pierce my soul with each passing moment. A heavy weight crushes me, but instead of despair, I feel a sense of freedom. For in its place will rise a gritty memoir – a raw and painful journey through shattered gender ideology, interwoven with a bitter love story intertwined with the scars of child abuse, abandonment and a series of brutal sexual assault and rapes. Every reminder of my outcast status in this world has become a source of power, fueling my determination to share my story and make a difference. For the past five years, I have been on a quest to find the one who could carry on and save gender confused children of the world, to break through the barriers and pave the way for diverse voices in mainstream media. But as time passed, the room where I once gathered with hopefuls became filled with users who only saw me as a means to an end before disappearing, leaving the room barren and lonely. In that emptiness, only one remained - myself. And in that moment of realization, my soul that had burned with passion was ignited into a fiery explosion of transformation and liberation. As I reflect on all the suffering and torment I have endured, I realize it has led me to my purpose – to be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. I would willingly go down that road again, facing the darkness and reliving the pain, if it meant being able to save even one innocent child from such a fate as mine. It is a burden I bear with pride, knowing that I am making a difference in this cruel world. My memoir, titled "Lesbian Devil to Straight Man Saint," which will become a bestseller in New York in 2025. It will be remembered as the book that shattered gender ideology and brought an end to the struggle for those who feel like they don't fit in. The marginalized members of society are not damaged; they possess the power to enact change in our world. They are the real heroes, only waiting for someone to guide them and reveal their potential. What was once seen as a curse is actually a blessing. I won't have anyone else write my story or seek out sponsors, and my bank account currently reads at negative one hundred and thirty two dollars. But perhaps that's what it takes to ignite necessary transformation. Life is a constant choice of how you look upon it! Wish me luck ;) Who knows, JK Rowling and I have a comedic rapport? Maybe I should ask her (I trust her, but not others) to be my editor. ;) though....LOL The future is uncertain, but one thing is for sure: I will always believe in myself and never underestimate what I am capable of. EVER! Brace Yourself! Support or Donate If Inspired - Funds used for expenses, website, speaking expenses More

  • Transman's Surprising Thank You to JK Rowling Sparks Outrage - Should EVERY Woman Be Grateful? I say YES!

    Watch Video For The Entire Story My second tweet to this man harassing JK My first attempt at shaming has clearly failed, so perhaps a different tactic is necessary. Imagine this scenario: what if someone was attacking your own mother, the person who raised you with love and sacrifice, simply because she had a different viewpoint on religion? Would you stand by and let her be belittled and threatened, even in front of your own children or siblings' children? How would that make you feel? Is this really the path you want to continue down in regards to JK, because you disagree with her? My heart shattered as I read the vicious words directed towards My hands shook with rage as I typed out my response, fiercely defending the author who has always shown me love and respect - as a transman, as a woman, and as a mother. All these identities that I proudly embody, but according to some, will never truly be enough. But it is not JK's fault that I am not a man - it is no one's fault, just because I want something doesn't mean I get it, life is about more than wants and reaping exactly what we want at the expense of others. Support Trans Regretters - Donate Today Every day, women like JK are forced to fight for basic acceptance and respect in a world dominated by men. We have been fighting for decades, yet still face constant threats to our safety and well-being. Our only desire is to feel safe in the spaces we have fought so hard to create - havens where we can let our guard down and reveal our true selves without fear of judgement or harm. But even these safe spaces are no longer sacred; every intimate moment now tinged with anxiety as we must constantly watch our backs to protect ourselves from the violence of men. In a society that has ingrained in us the notion that women are inferior, even someone like JK - who has achieved immense success and fame - is reduced to just a woman and doesn’t hold a candle of the power she would if she was male. She understands this reality as I do, but you never will. That’s not hate, it’s reality. Yet despite all this, she continues to show love and acceptance to those society deems unworthy. That is a testament to her true strength and deserves the utmost admiration and respect. To attack her for holding different beliefs is not only cruel, but it perpetuates the toxic cycle of hate and discrimination that women face every day. We should be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down, males, females, gays, lesbians, religious, trans, and so on, we are all brothers and sisters in this life that is hard for all and JK is no different because she has zeros, lots of them behind monetary numbers we all think we would love to have. Really? I watch JK get attacked daily, worth it, I don’t know! If you hold a deep admiration for women and aspire to modify your physical appearance to mirror your ideal, it is crucial to have the determination and strength of willpower to treat your dream with utmost respect. If you refuse to treat what you long for with respect and flip it to hatred, how does that help you find peace? You see, in life we are faced with facts, no matter how much we might not like the hands we are dealt, we have a choice to embrace reality with grace or hate. Why you trans women don’t see this is beyond me. For years, I've been haunted by a harsh reality: the loudest voices of hate in the trans community come from those who identify as women. Transwomen who are men, with their toxic masculinity and constant need for validation, spew venomous words that tear down the exact dream they want to become. Why? And while trans man, in the majority always try to lead with elegance and grace, a femininity that some would deny with shame is something I am learning to cherish, it wasn't until recently that I realized the true depth of my disgust for men as a lesbian was in actuality jealousy of what I have always wanted yet never will have. That’s not JK’s fault, she’s not the immobile statue you get to constantly attack, stop doing that! No amount of testosterone in my veins can change the fact that I am constantly in awe of powerful kind, gentle, strong, decisive men who bring so much to this world, yet I was unable see the gifts men give to us all until I was seen as one, not became, appeared as one. I understand and respect men, love men and cherish men more than I ever have as I have been given a ticket into watching who they really on the same level. It's awe-inspiring. But then there's you - a trans woman consumed by your own desires and pleasure, unable to see beyond the confines of your own needs and gratification. Like a desperate man with pent-up sexual frustration, you prioritize your own ejaculation above all else. The bitter taste of disappointment and betrayal fills my mouth as I witness the divide between our once united community. Our shared struggle for happiness and acceptance now overshadowed by animosity towards the trans community, further dividing our already fragmented LGB+ community. The rift between gay/lesbian individuals and those who are transgender runs deep, causing immeasurable pain and suffering for all involved. It sickens me to see how far we have strayed from our original goal of unity and support for all members of our community. As a lesbian, I used to despise men like you who desired to become something they were not. But now, I am hit with the realization that perhaps it is not JK who is at fault, but rather us - you and I - lost in our own battles for acceptance and belonging. We have yet to find it, and unfortunately, you are taking out your frustrations on JK. Your jealousy clouds your judgment, but now I see that you are fighting your own internal war that has nothing to do with JK. Your actions are becoming too extreme, and it is evident to everyone around you that you are not conforming to societal expectations of femininity. Your protest to JK and others like them is filled with visceral hate as you fight for what you believe you deserve in the most masculine way possible. You try to force the cracked shell back together, but instead end up angry at the hen for not providing a way to undo what has been broken. However, it is not the hen's fault, nor is it JK's. It's easier to place blame than to resist your own desires. You project your inner conflict onto others, claiming it is the most masculine way to handle things. But that's okay - you are a man, a feminine man who embraces the beauty of femininity. That realization should be celebrated because once you come to terms with it, you will understand that the true battle is within yourself, not between you and JK or anyone else. It's time to embrace all aspects of who you are and find peace within yourself. Your attempts to heal a wounded soul feel like a bumbling failure, and you can't shake the feeling that you're just not enough. But women don't attack other women they admire; instead, they show admiration with grace and ask for guidance on how to overcome an obstacle. They humbly ask for help and approach it with deep gratitude, recognizing that someone may hold the key to the peace they so desperately seek. In case this fails, envision JK as a woman that you truly love and respect. School Board Meeting - Legal Testimony - Podcasts - News - We DO NOT Charge to SAVE KIDS! - Use the voices that can change hearts and minds - Email Today Subject Line - SPEAKER Request! Remember that she is a human being, just like any other woman, and not an object to be used or abused. It doesn't matter how rich or famous she may be; at the end of the day, we are all souls on this earth. If you could step outside of yourself for just five seconds and ask to speak with JK on a soul-to-soul level, she would undoubtedly accept because she knows, as we all do, that men have a hard time understanding complex emotions. But I have no doubt that JK would understand and give you compassion as a man struggling to make sense of your own feelings of incompetence. Let's face it- many people who believe they can change their physical gender through medical transition ultimately realize that it doesn't solve all their problems. Some turn inward and some lash out, as you have done. Men tend to destroy while women pick up the pieces in a beautiful harmony because we need each other. Think about one man who would take the time to write this letter defending JK and trying to help you. My actions are deeply rooted in feminine qualities, and I am okay with accepting reality despite how I may appear. My hope is that one day, you will feel the same way too. I implore you, with all the kindness and love in my heart. Please leave JK alone and restrict your tongue from speaking about her family, that should be off limits, it’s just not right. What you are doing is not right or justified. All JK wants is for her and all other women, who may not be rich or famous like herself, to feel valued and appreciated. Can't you understand this? JK is like a universal mother right not to all woman, she’s blanketing all women with respect and you don’t get this and hate her for being what you desperately desire. Please have the decency to leave her children out of it. I am rooting for you sweetheart, I really am, I feel so much sadness from you, I spend the afternoon with my heart tugging for your pain. For what it’s worth, again, I am rooting for you. To YouTube Channel

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  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    Our Mission Is to warn others about the harms and permanence of medical transition. Many people are stuck with the physical, mental and social changes that come along with medical transition. We are here t o give a voice, a platform & community to anyone who regrets their medical transition and work together to WARN others of its harms and permanence. Subscribing to get access TODAY To The Largest Data Base of studies articles & explanations by transgender adults Email Thanks for subscribing! Join The Memoir Will shatter gender ideology Find Out About Scott's Memoir & How You Can Help - Link 5 years fighting to sTOP transing Kids! Join the Fight Against Irreversible Medical Transition My mission is to save the innocent lives of gender confused children, speaking on behalf of women and children without ever charging a cent. I have dedicated my life to this cause, picking up the scattered pieces of shattered families while realizing that I hold a powerful voice with all the right angles. As a mother who has carried life and given birth, with three teenagers on the cusp of facing this confusion themselves, I have witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of medical transition. After being on death's door due to my own experiences with it, I delved deep into research to save myself and in turn, help others understand its experimental nature. I have sat through endless meetings with attorneys who have revealed the dangerous truth behind medical transition. And even now, as I continue to deal with ongoing infections and lasting damage to my bones, heart, and lungs from my own journey, I am fueled by a fiery determination to spread awareness to parents worldwide about what is happening to their children. As a former salesperson, I used my talents to accumulate wealth and possessions for most of my life. But now, my true passion lies in educating parents about the dangers of medical transition. For over five years, I have been picking up "regretters" - those who regretfully underwent the process - and together we are marching into courtrooms, media outlets, and social media platforms to expose the truth: no child is born in the wrong body. Any notion otherwise is utter nonsense. But this fight comes at a cost - both emotionally and financially. Every day, every hour, every minute that I spend fighting for your children is time taken away from caring for my own. That's why donations are crucial in allowing me to maintain a 100% focus on this cause. With funds going towards travel expenses, website maintenance, and other necessary resources, I promise you that every dollar donated goes towards fighting for your child's future. Together, we can make a difference and protect our children from the dangers of medical transition. All Speeches Given Are Done For FREE! We Do This Because Children Deserve Us To Adult Better! Thank You For Your Support Currently, people do not debate differences. We must start doing this again! Cancel Culture has led us to a place where we are medically transitioning children with an experimental process. This causes massive health issues, doesn't cure anything, and makes mental health worse. And yet, society is cheering! WHY? Because no one knows the truth! Latest Debate Video Jaimee Lee Curtis vs Transman Regretter Scott Newgent Now What? YouTube Channel Latest Videos - Studies, Analysis & Funny Videos - Be Informed Subscribe Today Scott Newgent, a transman, has been addressing the negative effects of medical transitioning for the past five years. He believes that the majority of humanity is inherently good and does not need to alter their bodies to find peace. Newgent encourages open and honest discussions about the true effects of medical transitioning, rather than hiding behind platforms like YouTube where harm and exploitation run rampant. He believes that the elimination of medically transitioning children presents an opportunity for open and honest dialogue, allowing young adults to share their experiences without preconceived agendas. To heal you have to understand the why! Launching The YouTube Channel: Now What? Related Products Quick View I am a mother first 'SCREAM Louder STOP Medically Transitioning Children!' Quick View I am a mother first 'SCREAM Louder STOP Medically Transitioning Children!' Quick View I am a mother first 'SCREAM Louder STOP Medically Transitioning Children!' Quick View Trucker Cap Quick View SCREAM Louder STOP Transing Kids Unisex t-shirt Quick View SCREAMLouder STOP Transing Kids Unisex sports jersey Quick View SCREAM Louder 'STOP Transing Kids!' Quick View Trucker Cap Quick View A Transphobe Today Is A HERO Tomorrow! 3/4 sleeve raglan shirt Quick View A Transphobe Today Is A HERO Tomorrow Women's Relaxed T-Shirt Quick View Unisex - A Transphobe Today Is a HERO Tomorrow Quick View Adult Better Quick View ADULT Better Unisex t-shirt Quick View Adult Better - Quick View Some Scars Don't Heal Unisex t-shirt Quick View TransRegretter - Sport Unisex T-Shirt Study Page LEARN MORE We have compiled recent research, statistics, articles, anecdotes, and medical records of transgender people from all over the globe. Here, you can find updated information on transgenderism from around the world, including studies, statistics, articles, personal stories, and medical records. Trans Regretters have dissected these studies to help you understand their implications for children. They explain why childhood medical transition is the greatest medical scandal of recent times and why it needs to stop immediately. Trans Regretters have dissected these studies to help you understand their implications for children and the reasons they need to cease. Latest Data on Children Medically Transitioning Worldwide Subscribe to gain free access to information that hundreds of people have spent years searching for. Parental Coaching Parental Coaching-Gender Confused Child Available Online Consider me to have insider information about what you don't grasp. I ... Find Out More 1 hr I am confident that I can provide you with the essential guidance and assistance at this tough time, just as I have done for many parents throughout the world. Dealing with the complexities of the media and the medical field in this situation can be difficult. My goal is to help you identify between real and incorrect information and to present you with all of the necessary knowledge to make educated decisions. What I can provide parents is an understanding of what leads people to believe they were born in the wrong body, as well as instruction on how to gently challenge this belief. As a mother myself, having given birth and carried life, I am in a unique position to assist parents, and I have. Consider me to have insider information about what you don't grasp. I do, and I can advise you on what you're up against as well as where you may get help! This is a major epidemic, and I believe it is the most significant medical scandal in recent history. You must take control of this. Consider yourself blind, and I'll help you restore your sight. It is critical to recognize that the medical transition is an experimental technique with inherent risks. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that treatment will provide a cure and, in certain cases, it may worsen mental health outcomes. These are verifiable facts that you can rely on, and I am confident in my ability to supply you with the necessary resources to validate their authenticity. If you require additional assistance or wish to discuss your concerns further, I recommend that you schedule a meeting with me as soon as possible. We can manage this trip together and guide you to the best possible outcomes for your child. I appreciate your consideration of my aid and eagerly await the opportunity to assist during this process. Scott Newgent, a transman regretter, offers help to parents and individuals who regret gender transitions. Trans Regretters All Categories Play Video Play Video 06:08 Jaimee Lee Curtis vs Transman Scott Newgent - DEBATE - Transgenderism, you will be shocked who wins Social media has created a dark world where individuals may say anything without repercussions without facing any debate! This is bad, so bad! The key doctors lobbying for pediatric medical transition at Boston Children's Hospital terminated our conversations when he discovered I was the debater. India Willoughby? Insignificant, no one will debate me or be on camera with me! WHY? I have medically transitioned, I have researched it to preserve my life. I've consulted with one attorney after another until I fundamentally understood that medical transition is 90% experimental. I uncovered the financial backing behind it through my professional experience in business sales. I have 3 teenagers at the age when children begin to transition, I've nurtured life and given birth! Now, upon losing my third job due to my activism against pediatric medical transition, I finally understand...My previous life is behind me...This is me at my full potential. Brace yourself as you have not witnessed anything yet, I was apprehensive about jeopardizing my career, well, it's gone...Buckle Up Butter Cup! People refuse to debate with me, I will confront them online, travel to their homes, but what I am not going to do is go away! Now, I have nothing holding me back! First debate...Jamie Lee Curtis VS Transman Scott Newgent. All studies can be found at: If you believe in the work, please consider supporting Play Video Play Video 00:59 A Lesbian Devil to a Straight Man Saint Pre-Order Soon! August Publication A real journey into self acceptance! Find Out More: Play Video Play Video 45:11 JK Rowling's relentless crusade to fight for female rights, spaces & against gender ideology? Understand the POWERFUL WHY behind JK Rowling's relentless fixation on female empowerment, spaces, & resistance against gender ideology? This video is a potent elixir of insights, illuminating your mind with epiphanies that make you exclaim, "Ah, it all makes sense now!" At the end you will thank her with me! Detailed by a trans helping pull this complex issue apart! -financially, emotionally, societally & factual with studies & proof! Link to Power Packed Video Here: @jk_rowling hailed as a champion for gay, lesbian, and even transgender individuals & still is but remains unyielding in her stance against gender ideology. She bravely stands alone against the tide of opposition, refusing to back down from her principles. Studies/Facts/Sexual Fetishes/Why after Why after Why! Make sure to say thank you when you get to the end -Transman Regretter Scott Newgent Play Video Play Video 10:15 Scott, why does my child think they were born in the wrong body? "Is this mic on?" People say I made them cry in Matt Walsh’s DOC, “What is a Woman. "What until you hear 'WHY'? -10K emails the most asked question? ???" I was not paid for being in 'What is a Woman,' not for the state bills I helped write and present, not for assisting attorneys, not for talking to parents & not paid for speeches & NOT for this speech in Canada. Sometimes travel is paid for, and sometimes it is not. I do it? Because we are butchering children, I do need help to continue, if you are able. All of this is a result of donations. Thank you, -Scott Newgent Support SCREAMING Louder to STOP Childhood Medical Transitioning Today: Stripe: Venmo: PayPal : Purchase Merchandise: Website: On this website, you will find studies, facts & transgender adults breaking down why they are against medically transitioning children! ​ This is the result of years or years of work from many people. This information is hard to find. All in one place. If you knew the hours I spent on this information, it would shock you. Find what you need to SCREAM Louder... -Transman Scott Newgent #ScottNewgent #SCREAMLouder #AdultBetter #TransmanScottNewgent #STOPTransingKids #whatisawoman #mattwalsh Transcript Play Video Play Video 01:01 GET WAY FROM KIDS! Gays Against Groomers! Every Heard of them? Here are some with Leave our kids alone! @againstgrmrs #SCREAMLouder - The majority of LGBT people feel this way & they need to step up faster like these brave souls! Play Video Play Video 02:20 MO Rally - Transman Scott Newgent Missouri, the ONLY state to ban minors, puberty blockers, synthetic hormones, & surgery & require adults to attend 18 months of therapy before medical transition. Also, only state to organize a rally W/evangelical, gay, lesbian, trans, liberals, feminists & conservatives speakers! This is how you STOP transing kids & not just for SHOW! For REAL! Load More You have the ability to make a difference as we face the most serious medical scandals of our day. With your help, we can eliminate infant mortality. The process of medically transitioning a kid who is uncertain of their gender is risky, unproven, and considered experimental. As a result, their bodily and mental well-being deteriorate. This information must be made public since it cannot be denied. ​ Unfortunately, censorship in the mainstream media prevails, and many people still believe that gender ideology is solely about human rights. The fact is that they make a lot of money off of each child they convince to transition; the lifetime profit from synthetic hormones alone is about $1.3 million. The costs of processes and associated effects are significant, and this does not even begin to address them. Unfortunately, the most dangerous and profitable are the puberty blockers given to youngsters, which yield an eightfold larger profit. We shall not rest until we have won the struggle for these children's lives. With the purpose of saving lives rather than making a difference, our organization, #SCREAMINGLouder to STOP children medical transition, is dedicated to putting an end to this practice on a worldwide scale. To avoid social subtribes and echo chambers, we provide powerful, factual material combined with real-life tales. he continued practice of exposing innocent children to unnecessary procedures has reached a tipping point. Our unshakable purpose is to put an end to the anguish that comes with pediatric medical transition. Each gift brings us closer to our goal of saving a child's life. A safe and nurturing environment is critical for a child's healthy growth. I am compelled to speak up and make a difference because I have experienced a parent's enduring love and dedication to their child. I am confident you feel the same way about your children. It is unacceptable in our society to disregard such atrocities. We endanger our future as a caring and accountable society if we do not protect our children. If we cooperate together, we can keep these children safe and make a significant impact. They can have a better tomorrow because of your invaluable assistance and engagement. We can create a society that prioritizes children's protection by educating more, speaking up, and advocating for legislative changes. I encourage you to join me in this important hour. We must band together to safeguard the humanity and rights of these helpless individuals. If we work together, we can provide them the opportunity to fulfill their full potential as adults. ​ Send an email to if you have any questions about sponsorship opportunities or how you can help. I'm yelling "STOP transing kids!" with everything I've got. ​ -Scott Newgent of Transman Our Stories Stories to come from Laura Becker, Camille Keifel, Ritchie Herron, and more trans regretters You have a meeting - We have a Regretter! Read Our Stories - Trans Regret Join Trans Regretters Members Questionnaire Join the Fight To Educate About The Irreversible Medical Transition, Side Effects & What The Medical Industry Is NOT Telling Parents We are deeply grateful for those who are willing to use their platforms, whether through writing, social media, public speaking, or simply in their daily interactions, to educate others about the dangers and irreversible effects of medical transition. If you share this commitment, please take a moment to fill out our questionnaire and we will reach out to you. Your contribution means everything to us. Members Questionnaire The Why Speech Selling an idea is an art. To manipulate millions of people requires amazing cunning and skill. A toxic ideology is warping children's brains, damaging their spirits, and murdering their bodies via a dangerous and experimental medical treatment that does not cure their illnesses. Instead, it exacerbates mental illness and causes severe and irreparable physical consequences. Nonetheless, culture supports this, with over 300,000 children in the United States alone believing they must undergo medical "transition." As a result, pharmaceutical companies, "gender" surgeons, and others stand to earn more than $500 billion - and that's just for this group of children. The medicalization of gender-confused adolescents capitalizes on our culture's commitment to civil rights, particularly "LGBTQ+" rights. In an age of headlines, an addiction to anger, and the dissemination of misinformation on social media, the question "Would you rather have a trans son or a dead daughter?" has captivated the nation. The question is why. The process known as "medical transition" almost killed me. My battle to survive, along with my sales background, tenacity, and personal experience being exploited by ideologically motivated mental experts and dishonest doctors, has allowed me to finally see all of the puzzle pieces. I put the pieces together in a raw, true story of survival against all odds, exposing the deliberate misinformation and back-room deals that continue to deceive decent people into believing they are helping children when they are actually doing the opposite. So why? 99% of the unanswered questions will be addressed throughout my lecture. Why am I willing to speak out? To be hounded, harassed, or threatened by violent, dangerous, and immoral activists. To protect other people's children while also caring for my own. Request Scott Newgent's 'Why' Speech Email Request a Trans Regretter Speaker Today We Change Hearts & Minds! Comprehending the rationale is essential to learning what a disaster gender ideology is! Last name First name Email Company Phone Select a date Type of Event Choose an option Tell us about the event I want to subscribe to the newsletter. Request Trans Regretter Five Years In Activism Fighting To STOP Childhood Medical Transition! Transman Regretter Scott Newgent Scott alters the narrative, changes hearts and minds, and saves our gender-confused youngsters in the process. Do you wish to put an end to the global childhood medical transition? First, you need to comprehend the WHY! Understanding why youngsters believe they were born in the wrong body at an epidemic rate is critical. When you have the key, you can capture the attention of those who need to be educated, the folks in the center. The way Christians, feminists, and conservatives are resisting this travesty and turning over the keys to continue the butchery to all the trans radicals who claim it is about human rights! Excessively making these worse. The why, when presented properly, saves children. Why do our young people in mass hysteria believe they were born in the wrong body?Scott Newgent's remarks shed light on the medicalization of gender-confused adolescents and how to prevent it. The most significant medical scandal is now ongoing. We are currently murdering children all around the world using a dangerous, experimental medical treatment that does not treat anything, deteriorates mental health, and causes extensive health problems. These are facts!

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    About Scott Newgent Together We Can STOP The Carnage of Childhood Medical Transition Give Send Go Donate Here No Holds Bar, Truth, Raw Real! Stripe - All Cards Donate Here Scott’s eyes burn with fire as he remembers the life he once had. A successful business executive, revered by his peers and showered with awards and accolades, Kellie King seemed to have it all. But at age 42, everything changed. She made the choice to transition into Scott Newgent, a transgender man, and suddenly her life turned into a living nightmare. Medical complications plagued Scott’s journey, causing him to lose everything he had worked so hard for - his career, his home, his savings, his marriage, even his faith in himself and in God. He was thrown into a battle for survival, constantly seeking answers from one ER to another as his health deteriorated. But what he discovered about transgender healthcare shocked him to the core. As he fought through near-death experiences and studied relentlessly about the dangers of medical transitioning, Scott’s determination burned brighter than ever. His children's faces were etched in his mind, giving him the strength to endure any amount of pain. And when he learned about medical professionals pushing children towards transitioning, something inside him snapped. With a relentless passion, Scott became an international leader in advocating for truth, reality, and care for everyone affected by transgenderism. Through his organization Trans Regretters, he united people from all walks of life to stand together against the harmful effects of medical transitioning on children. Despite the struggles and regrets along the way, Scott stands strong in his conviction that medical transitioning is not the answer - but he will continue to fight until every child is safe from its grasp. This is Scott’s SCREAM for Justice scream - a cry for equitableness and protection for those who are vulnerable and voiceless in this complex issue. Transman Scott Newgent All Categories Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video OVER 20 million Views ‘Shaming the media @ State of Ohio Bill Press Conference on All Social Media Platforms - Link ​ Newsweek by Transman Scott Newgent We Need Balance When It Comes to Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Read Article ​ Epoch Times by Transman Scott Newgent Activism to Save Children from Medical Transition Is Not About Right and Left. It is just about WRONG! Read Article ​ Tide May Be Turning In the Battle to Halt Gender-Transition Procedures on Minors, Crusaders Say by Transman Scott Newgent Read Article AUGUST - SELF PUBLISHED MEMOIR From Darkness to Enlightenment: The Powerful Story of Scott Newgent's Inner Evolution Previous Work Scott Newgent Scott’s eyes burn with fire as he remembers the life he once had. A successful business executive, revered by his peers and showered with awards and accolades, Kellie King seemed to have it all. But at age 42, everything changed. She made the choice to transition into Scott Newgent, a transgender man, and suddenly her life turned into a living nightmare. Medical complications plagued Scott’s journey, causing him to lose everything he had worked so hard for - his career, his home, his savings, his marriage, even his faith in himself and in God. He was thrown into a battle for survival, constantly seeking answers from one ER to another as his health deteriorated. But what he discovered about transgender healthcare shocked him to the core. As he fought through near-death experiences and studied relentlessly about the dangers of medical transitioning, Scott’s determination burned brighter than ever. His children's faces were etched in his mind, giving him the strength to endure any amount of pain. And when he learned about medical professionals pushing children towards transitioning, something inside him snapped. With a relentless passion, Scott became an international leader in advocating for truth, reality, and care for everyone affected by transgenderism. Through his organization Trans Regretters, he united people from all walks of life to stand together against the harmful effects of medical transitioning on children. Despite the struggles and regrets along the way, Scott stands strong in his conviction that medical transitioning is not the answer - but he will continue to fight until every child is safe from its grasp. This is Scott’s SCREAM for Justice scream - a cry for equitableness and protection for those who are vulnerable and voiceless in this complex issue. Daily Wire by Transman Scott Newgent I Was In ‘What Is A Woman’: It Was The Hardest Thing I Ever Did, But I’d Do It Again Read Article ​ Daily Wire by Transman Scott Newgen I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery: Here’s What The Media Doesn’t Tell You Read Article ​ Quilette by Transman Scott Newgent Forget What Gender Activists Tell You. Here’s What Medical Transition Looks Like Read Article ​ Bill C-6 Canadian Conversion Therapy by Transman Scott Newgent Bill C-6 needs more nuance: Conversion therapy is wrong, but pushing kids to transition medically is worse. Read Brief ​ Catholic Weekly by Transman Scott Newgent Trans activist: Serious concern over child re-assignment surgery Read Article ​ Led the biggest march in Canadian history. Link ​ Matt Walsh’s ‘What is a Woman’ Link

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    Are You A Trans Regretter #SCREAMLouder Help STOP Childhood Medical Transition - Follow us on Social Media Studies - Trends - Bills - Law Suits - Complications & More A trans regretter is someone who has undergone the process of medical transitioning but has since experienced deep regret. This feeling can range from complete remorse to just being a part of their overall journey. Unfortunately, society tends to only focus on stories of individuals who are either fully satisfied with their transition or filled with complete regret. However, the reality is that most people experience some level of regret after medical transitioning, yet this truth is often ignored by the mental health and medical industries. The untold stories of those who struggle with decision after transitioning are not being given a platform, leading to a limited and misleading perspective on this complex issue. Do you feel a deep pull to speak about your medical transition process? I can help! Speak at rallies, school meetings, podcasts, documentaries, legal hearings, and international events about this topic. It is currently believed that medical transition is a safe solution for all problems, but the truth is that many individuals suffer through this process. If you have personally experienced any level of regret after undergoing medical transitioning and want to share your story, I can help you do so with confidence and support. Speak at rallies at school meetings podcasts documentaries legal testimony speak internationally give speeches and much more Membership Questionnaire Trans Regretters is a division of #SCREAMINGlouder and TREVoices on a mission to amplify the voices of individuals who regret medical transition and are committed to warning others about its harms, its permanence and the fact that some scars don’t heal. ​ Your answers will be assessed, and you’ll receive an email with your approval to Trans Regretters if you are a good fit. ​ Upon approval, you'll gain access to the Trans Regretters subReddit , which we anticipate will grow quickly. ​ Please complete the questionnaire below. Thank you! Questionnaire

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